5 Hacks to Help You Get Your Best Sleep Ever!

5 Hacks to Help You Get Your Best Sleep Ever!

Quality sleep is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle. After just one night of tossing and turning, you soon realize how the lack of quality sleep can affect just about every area of your life—including your mood, job performance, relationships, and even success in weight-loss or maintenance goals. Getting good quality sleep is one of the best things you can do for your physical, emotional, and mental health. But it’s not always easy, so here are  five of the most effective, science-backed strategies for you to get the best possible sleep every night.…Read more
Cleansing at a Cellular Level

Cleansing at a Cellular Level

  Cleanse Days are a powerful tool in helping you to reach or maintain a healthy weight. But the science behind Cleanse Days suggests there may be additional benefits for your health beyond a slimmer body. Many of us eat five times a day or more, including meals and snacks. This type of eating pattern provides your body with a steady flow of nutrients, but even when you make healthful choices about your meals and snacks, your body can still benefit from an occasional break from all-day eating. Giving Your Cells a Break…Read more
Are You Under Eating?

Are You Under Eating?

Are you eating enough? Surprisingly, under-eating can be just as damaging as over-eating. It can bring your metabolism to a grinding halt, and not give you the results you're looking for. You might not be eating enough if: ✔ Your weight isn't budging (stalled metabolism) ✔ You feel stressed or anxious all the time ✔ You're eating under approx 1200 calories per day ✔ You're constantly tired ✔ Have no energy when you work out ✔ Have trouble falling or staying asleep ✔ Insatiable food cravings, binges or are always thinking about food…Read more
What happen when you hit a weight loss plateau?

What happen when you hit a weight loss plateau?

You’ve been making great headway toward your weight-loss goals. Everything is going smoothly until your progress unexpectedly slows down and then comes to a halt. As far as you can tell, you’re still doing everything right. You’re sticking to all the healthy lifestyle changes that helped you make it this far toward reaching your goals, but it feels like nothing is working anymore.Your scale just won’t budge. This frustrating phenomenon is called a weight-loss plateau, and most people who are trying to lose weight will experience this at some point. A weight-loss plateau…Read more
New Year, New You!

New Year, New You!

Happy New Year! 2017 is going to be AMAZINGLY EPIC! Today marks the start of something brand new. A fresh, clean slate. For many, that means exciting, new resolutions built around weight loss, increased energy, better performance, and healthy aging. For others, that may mean more travel and time with family. Whatever your goal may be, you’re not alone. What threads us together is our desire for better mental and physical health. This year, for yourself, don't look back, because you're not going that way. Turn your cant's into cans, and your dreams…Read more
Why You Need Protein to Stay Stronger As You Age

Why You Need Protein to Stay Stronger As You Age

If you’ve reached your 50s or 60s, your body’s needs for dietary protein may have taken an unexpected turn upward. If you want the same muscle-building response that a mere 10-20 grams of protein could produce in your youth, then new research suggests you’re better off getting 30 or more grams in each meal. In addition, whey protein can help maximize your anabolic response from daily intake of protein while also helping you with weight management. Beyond 30 Grams Per Meal In a recent study, University of Mississippi investigators found that older adults…Read more