Why You Need Protein to Stay Stronger As You Age

Why You Need Protein to Stay Stronger As You Age

If you’ve reached your 50s or 60s, your body’s needs for dietary protein may have taken an unexpected turn upward. If you want the same muscle-building response that a mere 10-20 grams of protein could produce in your youth, then new research suggests you’re better off getting 30 or more grams in each meal. In addition, whey protein can help maximize your anabolic response from daily intake of protein while also helping you with weight management. Beyond 30 Grams Per Meal In a recent study, University of Mississippi investigators found that older adults…Read more
But I eat healthy!

But I eat healthy!

"But I eat healthy! Why do I feel bloated, sluggish, tired, no energy (insert feelings of blah here) all the time?" How can we feel so good incorporating supplemental superfoods and yet we don't feel the same when we eat "healthy"? The problem isn't the fruits and veggies you're eating - it's everything surrounding it. Because of soil depletion, crops grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than what we get today at the grocery store or in markets. Our soil is so nutritionally bankrupt that what we eat now…Read more
Green or Blue?

Green or Blue?

Where are all the cleansers in 'da house for tomorrow with me today? Ever wonder what cleansing actually looks like inside? Without getting too "sciencey" it's similar to a swimming pool. Over time, environmental pollution, stress, toxins, and poor habits will cause our bodies to look like the pool on the left. Even if we eat organic foods, our bodies are subject to so many more toxins than years before. When we cleanse nutritionally at the cellular level (NOT the colon level), natural botanicals aid the body in eliminating toxins from the vital…Read more
The Superfood Lifestyle

The Superfood Lifestyle

With so many options out there for people, its no wonder people are confused, and it's no wonder that health and fitness is a multi-billion dollar industry around the world. What's even more shocking? The healthcare systems costs even more, from medication to hospital stays to surgeries and the list goes on. Keeping our health in check shouldn't be rocket science. Taking care of our bodies is important - it's the only place we have to live. Our superfood nutrition has changed hundreds of thousands of lives; giving people a second chance to…Read more
The (6 minute) Miracle Morning – for real?!

The (6 minute) Miracle Morning – for real?!

How do you start your day? Most people start their day in chaos; blinking awake and then grabbing their phone to check emails, texts, Facebook, etc. Just as you eat breakfast each day (or should) to fuel your body, you need to fuel and nourish your mind and soul as well. Sound hokey? For many of us, our biggest challenge is finding time to implement daily personal development. When Hal Elrod developed The Miracle Morning, he realized the need to make it scalable so that even the busiest amongst us can make the…Read more
Here we go! We are LIVE!

Here we go! We are LIVE!

I am so happy your stopped by to take a peek and see what The Doddsy Life is all about. After many, many months of dreaming, planning, discussing, scripting, imagining, and SO much more, this world of awesome is finally up and running! When you fall asleep each night with the same thoughts swirling through your mind that keep you awake, and then experience those same thoughts as soon as you wake up, it makes you wanna jump out of bed in the morning to chase your vision. What's my vision? I have…Read more
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