Are You Under Eating?

Are You Under Eating?

Are you eating enough? Surprisingly, under-eating can be just as damaging as over-eating. It can bring your metabolism to a grinding halt, and not give you the results you're looking for. You might not be eating enough if: ✔ Your weight isn't budging (stalled metabolism) ✔ You feel stressed or anxious all the time ✔ You're eating under approx 1200 calories per day ✔ You're constantly tired ✔ Have no energy when you work out ✔ Have trouble falling or staying asleep ✔ Insatiable food cravings, binges or are always thinking about food…Read more


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What happen when you hit a weight loss plateau?

What happen when you hit a weight loss plateau?

You’ve been making great headway toward your weight-loss goals. Everything is going smoothly until your progress unexpectedly slows down and then comes to a halt. As far as you can tell, you’re still doing everything right. You’re sticking to all the healthy lifestyle changes that helped you make it this far toward reaching your goals, but it feels like nothing is working anymore.Your scale just won’t budge. This frustrating phenomenon is called a weight-loss plateau, and most people who are trying to lose weight will experience this at some point. A weight-loss plateau…Read more